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Crop Subscriptions

Farmers can subscribe to crop guides based on the crop profile. They can obtain timely advisories via text and multimedia.

Escalation Interface

Stakeholders can quickly escalate issues when they are not getting the right help using our easy-to-use interface.

Crop health diagnosis

Farmers can diagnose pests, diseases, and nutritional issues affecting the crop and obtain remedial measures.

Queue Management

Our platform aggregates and channelizes queries in a queue-based priority model.

In-app Q&A

Agri Experts can receive queries via text and multimedia data, and answer the same using messages and calls.

Sales Automation

Organizations can anticipate upcoming demands with automated volume estimations. Input sellers send private quotations to maintain price discretion.

Procurement Facilitation

Farmers can purchase inputs directly from the input sellers. They can also take the help of the rural youth to find the right vendor.

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